High School
High School at Trinity Christian Academy
As a Christian School, Trinity is committed to academic excellence and understands our God-given responsibility to point students to the True North, Jesus Christ. God is at the heart of our mission.
Trinity's philosophy is very straightforward. We give students exactly what they need to succeed in college and life: biblical teaching and mentoring with academic excellence and extracurricular activities in a caring community.
All students participate in a rich academic curriculum that follows the Massachusetts state standards. Students experience various teaching methodologies from an exceptional group of teachers that truly know their subjects. Trinity teachers create an extensive environment of learning with teachings lasting a lifetime.
In addition to the Massachusetts frameworks, all students are required to complete an Applied Math course, providing life-critical math skills, Bible class, Resilient Faith class (Seniors only), and Leadership Developments are also course offerings that go above and beyond in the development of our students. In addition we offer various extracurricular courses that nurture the mind and body. For those students seeking post high school education, Trinity works closely with Cape Cod Community College to offer dual enrollment classes. Additionally, comprehensive Senior Projects are developed and presented for all graduating seniors, providing them with their first opportunity to jump into the world ahead of them.
Godly leadership, as we know from Matthew 20:25-28, is a key tenant of the instructional environment in Trinity’s High School. High schoolers are required to perform 100 hours of community service, creating lifelong habits for being true representatives of Christ. Students immerse themselves in many projects on and off campus to obtain a full understanding of servant leadership.
To ensure college readiness, Trinity courses are designed to be college-preparatory in nature. We offer guidance in relation to goal-setting with on-site PSAT and SAT testing offered annually. Students explore potential majors or areas of study, various types of colleges available, and we also walk them through the college application process.
And of course, high schoolers enjoy class trips to various locations including a 9th grade trip to Washington D.C. and an opportunity to serve on a short-term, overseas missions team as well.

Since the inception of our high school,
Trinity Christian Academy's graduating seniors have been accepted into more than 75+ colleges.